This site is specifically set up to see what's going on at Bad Monkey Motorworks, the best bike shop in South Carolina that WON'T work on your bike. No bullshit, just bikes.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Frosty Nuts
It finally got hot enough to cut the AC on for the first time in the house this year. About five minutes later Brick found his favorite floor vent and layed right on top of it. Gotta keep your nuggets cool.
This is a simple collection of my own motorcycle projects, girls, and trips on two wheels. I hope you enjoy it and if you don't you're cordially invited to fuck off.
Brick has such an easy life..keeping your nut's cool in the summertime is definitely a priority!!!
Bulldogs know how to prioritize: Keep your nuts cool, food, and leg humping. Simple.
Coolin' my cubes!
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