This site is specifically set up to see what's going on at Bad Monkey Motorworks, the best bike shop in South Carolina that WON'T work on your bike. No bullshit, just bikes.
This is a simple collection of my own motorcycle projects, girls, and trips on two wheels. I hope you enjoy it and if you don't you're cordially invited to fuck off.
The FXR is ready to go! Leaky fork seal and all!!!! Gonna be a hoot! That's right I said "HOOT"
Ha ha, hoot. No worries about the fork seal bro! It gives you instant hardcore street cred.
i'm there dude! shovel's ready to go! just gotta figure out how to strap my crap to it.
Yep, time to show these 22 yr. old hipsters what riding is all about.
easy now i turn 41 the day before the run and ill be elbow to elbow with yall on a rigid kz1000... Glad to see you make it
Right on man. KZ's rule! See you up there.
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